He chose first Ambrose Burnside, then Joe Hooker. During the next eight months they would in turn fight two major battles which they hoped would win the war and end the Southern rebellion. History records these battles as Fredericksburg (December 1862), and Chancellorsville (May 1863). They would later be known as Lee’s greatest victories, the “high tide” of the Confederacy–and the final battle of Thomas “Stone Wall” Jackson.
Now comes your opportunity to repeat these victories for the South, or take command of the Federal army and crush the rebellion once and for all. Be bold and never look back! HPS’s Campaign Chancellorsville faithfully recreates first the battle of Fredericksburg and then climaxes with Lee’s bold move at Chancellorsville. Many other smaller battles are also included that will help lead the way. Take charge and defend your country, whether it be North or South.
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